Selamat Datang!

Welcome to Gapura!


At Gapura, we hope to serve, as our name suggests, as a gate to and for the Indonesian community in Philadelphia - linking past, present, and future through economic, social, and cultural empowerment. We also hope to bridge the physical distance between Indonesia and the Philadelphia Indonesian community through our programs and initiatives.


October 28 until October 31 - 6- 9:30 PM - $5 includes 1 snack skewer

Tickets are available at the site via Venmo or cash ONLY.

Visit Gapura from Saturday, October 28 until Tuesday, October 31, and learn about the different mythical creatures in Indonesian folklore across the multiverse. Indonesia as an island country with over seventeen thousand islands has an abundance of ethnicities and cultures. Each region's culture has its own urban legend and supernatural world. This Fall, Gapura celebrates Halloween by highlighting our very own folktales. From kuntilanak, sundel bolong, suanggi, and leak, you may want to grab a friend to see this one-of-a-kind exhibition. Door opens from 6:30-9:30 PM, donation ticket is $5 (includes 1 snack skewer) to see the exhibition. Traditional Indonesian food and drinks will be available to purchase.

Mampir di Gapura dari Sabtu, 28 Oktober sampai Selasa, 31 Oktober dan simak mahluk-mahluk mistik dalam cerita rakyat Indonesia dari berbagai dunia. Indonesia yang adalah negara kepulauan dengan lebih dari tujuh belas ribu pulau memiliki berbagai etnis dan budaya yang berlimpah. Tiap budaya daerah memiliki legenda cerita mengenai dunia gaib-nya masing-masing. Musim gugur ini, Gapura merayakan Halloween dengan mengangkat cerita-cerita rakyat kita sendiri. Dari kuntilanak, sundel bolong, suanggi, leak, ajak teman anda untuk melihat pameran yang unik ini. Pintu dibuka dari jam 6:30-9:30 malam. Donasi tiket hanya $5 (termasuk satu tusuk makanan) untuk masuk. Makanan dan minuman tradisional dapat dibeli di lokasi. Tiket TERBATAS.